Evaluation Instruments / Program Resources

Programs are required to evaluate their services in a variety of ways, obtaining input from multiple sources. One important component is the evaluation of the appropriateness and effectiveness of the program resources.

The tools on this page will support the Program when it assesses its resources throughout the year.

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Resource Assessment

See the Resource Library
for supporting resources.

Assessment of program resources is to be performed at least annually (Standard III.D) using the Program Resource Survey – Students instrument and the Program Resource Survey – Program Personnel instrument as well as any other program assessment activities. Programs are to use the Resource Assessment Matrix format to define their assessment system, collate the assessment results, and develop action plans to address deficiencies.

To assist program directors with analyzing the data collected from administering student and personnel resource surveys, a RAM and PRS Data Collection was created. This spreadsheet tallies numbers from the surveys and prepares the Resource Assessment Matrix for analysis and completion. This tool is offered as a sample and an option for program directors.

Terminal Competency Form

See the Resource Library
for supporting resources.

CoAEMSP has developed a Terminal Competency form that programs can use to provide consistent verification of each student’s accomplishment of program competencies. The form documents successful completion of didactic, laboratory, clinical, and field internship components of the curriculum as well as affective learning domain evaluations. It also includes a section for tracking the outcomes of the individual after graduation. The form provides for the signatures of both the Program Director and the Medical Director.

The program may use any form it chooses. If the CoAEMSP form is not used, the program’s own terminal competency form must include the following statement:

“We hereby attest that the candidate listed below successfully completed all of the Terminal Competencies required for graduation from the Paramedic Education program as a minimally competent, entry-level, Paramedic and as such is eligible for State and National Certification written and practical examination in accordance with our published policies and procedures.“

The form must also have a section or sections where the medical director attests to and ensures the competence of the graduate in all three domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective.

Medical Director Student Review

See the Resource Library
for supporting resources.

The CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines for Paramedic educational programs require that the program’s Medical Director “review the progress of each student throughout the program, and assist in the determination of appropriate corrective measures, when necessary” (CAAHEP Standard III.B.2.4). To assist programs with implementing this requirement, the following interpretation was developed: “the Medical Director must demonstrate review during each phase (didactic/lab, clinical, field internship) for each student. For example, academic advisement, end of semester testing, progress report listing each student, etcetera.”In addition, the Medical Director must review terminal progress and sign and certify competency using a Terminal Competency Form based on the CoAEMSP provided template. Per the CoAEMSP’s interpretations of the CAAHEP Standards: “At the conclusion of the program, there must be a document signed by the Medical Director attesting to the competence of each graduate as an entry-level Paramedic. A terminal competency form for each student must contain a dated original signature by the medical director. A stamped signature is not acceptable. A secure electronic signature is acceptable.”

In addition, programs are required to provide routine academic advisement/counseling. This is in addition to counseling for causes of poor academic performance or affective domain issues. Per the CoAEMSP’s interpretations of the CAAHEP Standards: “It is expected that the school will meet with each student at least once each academic session (e.g., semester, term, quarter) in sufficient time that the student can adequately respond to the counseling, as needed.”This is an excellent opportunity for Medical Director involvement.

The program can use various methods to track and document the Medical Director’s review of student progress toward competency. Activities may include the Medical Director’s involvement in academic advisement sessions, participation in staff meetings that include a review of student progress, or conversations with the Program Director regarding the progress of each student. This review must include each student (as opposed to a global comment on the cohort). This conversation/communication can occur in-person or electronically. The Medical Director Student Update form is one tool to facilitate and communicate the information.This tool is not mandated but can be a convenient mechanism to provide a systematic update and platform for review.