What percent of health insurance is paid by employers?

If you’re in charge of benefits for your organization and are considering a new health insurance program, your organization's contribution strategy is an essential factor in that decision. When working the new program's cost into your benefits budget, you’ll need to know how much employees will pitch in for coverage and the percentage you will pay. With employer-sponsored health insurance coverage, an organization must contribute a minimum percentage and have employees pay the remaining share, usually through a payroll deduction. So, what percent do employers typically pay in the United States? This article will discuss employer-sponsored health insurance costs and what percentage employers typically pay. We’ll also explain how you can use a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) or health stipend to control your budget.

Want to learn more about health care? Check out our related blog on Form 720 and PCORI.

How much does group health insurance cost?

When a business provides health insurance coverage to employees, it typically purchases a plan (or plans) from a commercial insurer to cover all eligible employees and their dependents. Most people know these plans as traditional group health plans or “fully-insured plans.”

According to KFF’s health benefits report, in 2023, the average cost of employee health insurance premiums for family coverage was $23,968. The average premium for a self-only plan was $8,435 annually 1 .

Although these numbers can vary by company, healthcare provider, and location, employers will know their new annual rate when it’s time to renew their plan.

What percent of health insurance is paid by employers?

According to KFF, in 2023, employers covered 83% of their employees’ self-only insurance plans and 73% of employees’ family insurance plans on average. Let’s dive into these stats a little deeper.

Employer percentage

Employer dollar amount

Employee percentage

Employee dollar amount

Self-only premium of $8,435 annually

Family premium of $23,968 annually

Large employer contributions vs. small employer contributions

While large employers typically contribute a significant amount to employees’ healthcare, in some cases, small employers cover even more.

According to KFF, employers cover the entire self-only premium for 30% of covered workers at small to midsize organizations of 3-199 employees, compared to only 6% of covered workers in large firms of 200+ employees. In contrast, 32% of covered workers in small firms must pay more than half of the premium for family coverage, compared to 8% of covered workers in large firms.

A possible reason for this is that because small businesses have fewer eligible workers, it may be easier for them to pay the entire premium amount for their employees—whether it be self-only or family coverage—than large businesses with significantly more employees.

What percentage of businesses offer health benefits?

While virtually all organizations with 1,000 or more workers offer their employees health coverage, that’s different for small employers. According to KFF, only 39% of businesses with three to nine workers offer coverage to their employees. This decreased from 49% in 2021, showing that more small employers are forgoing health insurance coverage.

Small employers generally have tighter budgets, but the rising cost of health insurance can make it even harder to offer a benefit.

The annual premium cost for family coverage has increased 22% over the last five years and 47% during the previous 10 years, significantly more than either workers’ wages or inflation. This steady increase in healthcare services and costs can make it difficult for employers to continue to offer a health benefit that will provide enough value.

KFF Employer Health Benefits Survey 2023

How much does group health insurance cost for employees?

From the type of plan you choose to your employees’ health conditions, many major factors affect how much your employees will pay for health insurance.

Looking again at KFF’s 2023 report, employee contributions toward a family plan were $6,575 annually—roughly 27% of the average premium— and $1,401—or about 17%—for a self-only plan.

The premium cost associated with a group health insurance plan typically increases every year. To minimize or reduce fluctuation in premium amounts and to control employer costs, you can adjust contribution strategies or health plan features annually.

How you can control group health insurance costs

Although healthcare can be one of the most expensive benefits you can offer at your organization, it’s undoubtedly an important investment in your company’s future.

By better understanding what factors will affect your employee health benefits costs, you can gain greater control over your budget and set your workers up for success.

The annual cost of providing health insurance to employees depends on the following key factors: